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Death Note Vol 1 Epub

Conclusion: Our study demonstrates the clinical benefit of anti-programmed death-1 therapy with pembrolizumab among patients with previously treated unresectable or metastatic MSI-H/dMMR noncolorectal cancer. Toxicity was consistent with previous experience of pembrolizumab monotherapy.

death note vol 1 epub

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A Communication must convey the scientific findings concisely in abstract, main text, and graphical elements as determined by word count not exceeding 2200 words, including titles/footnotes/captions of approximately five graphics (typically 2 inches long in a single column). References are not included in word count to allow article titles to be included at submission. All graphics and tables must be placed near the point of first mention in the text of the manuscript (not grouped at the end of the document) and must be sized according to current guidance. Long notes are not permitted in the References section; information not directly germane to the Communication can be included as Supporting Information.

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Paramagnetic compounds of this category present a further complication if NMR spectroscopy does not furnish clear evidence for the proposed formulation (note that NMR spectroscopy of paramagnetic complexes can be useful if sufficiently large sweep widths are used). In many cases, X-ray diffraction may provide the most unambiguous characterization of such complexes, but this will not suffice as the only means of characterization. In the absence of an X-ray structure determination, evidence for elemental constitution must be provided by elemental analysis (e.g., combustion analysis, microprobe analysis), or mass spectrometry. Magnetic moment and/or ESR spectroscopic data should also be given for paramagnetic compounds if it is considered that the spin state of the molecule is of especial interest.

Computations. When computational results are an essential part of a manuscript, sufficient detail must be given, either within the paper or in the Supporting Information, to enable readers to reproduce the calculations. This includes data such as force field parameters and equations defining the model (or references to where such material is available in the open literature). If the software used for calculations is generally available, it must be properly cited in the References and Footnotes. References to the methods upon which the software is based must also be provided. Results obtained from methods or parameters that are not adequately described in the manuscript or in the literature are not acceptable for publication. Authors who report the results of electronic structure calculations are requested to provide as Supporting Information the geometries (either as Cartesian coordinates or Z matrices) of all the stationary points whose relative energies are given in the manuscript. The absolute energies in hartrees that are computed at these geometries should not be given in the manuscript but should be included in the Supporting Information. Where applicable, the number of imaginary frequencies should be reported to identify stable structures and transition states.

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Each table must have a brief (one phrase or sentence) title that describes the contents. The title should be understandable without reference to the text. Details should be put in footnotes, not in the title. Tables should be used when the data cannot be presented clearly in the narrative, when many numbers must be presented, or when more meaningful inter-relationships can be conveyed by the tabular format. Tables should supplement, not duplicate, information presented in the text and figures. Tables should be simple and concise.

Progression-free survival is defined as the interval between the first treatment day (in phase 3 trials: day of randomization for intent-to-treat analysis) to the first sign of disease progression or death from any cause. Event-free survival is defined as the interval between the first treatment day (in phase 3 trials: day of randomization for intent-to-treat analysis) to the first sign of disease progression or start of a new treatment or withdrawal from the trial because of toxicity or death (whichever occurs first). Overall survival is defined as the interval between the first treatment day (in phase 3 trials: day of randomization for intent-to-treat analysis) to death. Time to next treatment is defined as interval between the first treatment day until the patient starts an alternative therapy for progressive CLL.

Patients with CLL are at increased risk for infection because of compromised immune function, which might be related to the disease itself and/or to the consequences of therapy. Nevertheless, the rate of infection following treatment can be used in assessing the relative immune-suppressive effects of a given therapy. The etiology of the infection should be reported and categorized as bacterial, viral, or fungal, and as proven or probable. The severity of infections should be quantified as minor (requiring either oral antimicrobial therapy or symptomatic care alone), major (requiring hospitalization and systemic antimicrobial therapy), or fatal (death as a result of the infection).


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