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Ugrasen Suman's Software Engineering: Concepts and Practices - A Review of the Book's Features and Benefits

Software Engineering: Concepts and Practices by Ugrasen Suman - A Comprehensive Book Review

Software engineering is the discipline of applying systematic and rigorous principles and methods to the development, operation, and maintenance of software systems. Software engineering is essential for ensuring the quality, reliability, security, usability, and efficiency of software products that meet the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders.

software engineering concepts and practices agrasen suman cengage learning pdf download

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Software engineering is also a dynamic and evolving field that adapts to the changing technologies, requirements, and challenges of software development. Therefore, software engineers need to constantly update their knowledge and skills to cope with the new trends and demands of the software industry.

One of the ways to learn and teach software engineering is by using a well-written and comprehensive textbook that covers the fundamental concepts and practices of software engineering as applicable to the real-world scenarios. One such textbook is Software Engineering: Concepts and Practices by Ugrasen Suman, published by Cengage Learning in 2019.

This book is meant for all courses of computer science that deal with software engineering topics. It presents a balanced and integrated approach to both theoretical and practical aspects of software engineering. It also provides a clear and concise explanation of the various topics with illustrative examples, case studies, exercises, multiple choice questions, web resources, and references.

In this article, we will review this book in detail and highlight its features and benefits for learning and teaching software engineering. We will also provide some tips on how to use this book effectively for both students and instructors.

What are the main topics covered in the book?

The book consists of eight chapters that cover the following main topics:

Software and software engineering

This chapter introduces the nature, characteristics, types, applications, challenges, myths, and ethics of software and software engineering. It also defines the software process, software engineering practice, software project management, software metrics, software standards, and software tools.

Process models

This chapter describes the generic process model for software development and its phases. It also discusses the process assessment and improvement models such as ISO 9000, CMMI, SPICE, etc. It then presents various prescriptive process models such as waterfall model, incremental model, spiral model, agile model, etc. It also explains some specialized process models such as component-based development model, web engineering model, service-oriented architecture model, etc. It also introduces some personal and team process models such as PSP, TSP, XP, Scrum, etc.

Requirements analysis and specification

This chapter explains the requirements gathering and analysis techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, observation, prototyping, etc. It also describes how to write a software requirement specification (SRS) document using IEEE standard format. It also discusses how to use formal methods for system specification such as Z notation, VDM notation, etc.

Software design

This chapter covers the design process, design principles, design concepts such as cohesion, coupling, abstraction, modularity, etc. It also presents various design methods such as structured analysis and design, object-oriented analysis and design, etc. It also explains how to use modeling languages such as UML, ERD, DFD, etc. for software design. It also discusses some design patterns and anti-patterns for software design. It also covers the user interface design principles and methods.

Coding and testing

This chapter deals with the coding and testing phases of software development. It covers the coding standards, guidelines, documentation, and review techniques. It also explains the testing concepts, strategies, levels, types, techniques, and tools. It also covers the debugging and program analysis tools and methods. It also discusses some testing issues for object-oriented and web-based software.

Software reliability and quality management

This chapter focuses on the software reliability and quality aspects of software engineering. It covers the software reliability models, measures, and estimation techniques. It also discusses the statistical testing methods for software reliability. It also explains the software quality concepts, attributes, factors, and models. It also describes the software quality management system and standards such as ISO 9000, CMMI, SPICE, etc.

Computer aided software engineering

This chapter introduces the concept, scope, benefits, and limitations of computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools. It also describes the CASE environment and its components such as repository, front-end tools, back-end tools, etc. It also discusses some characteristics and features of CASE tools such as integration, automation, standardization, etc. It also presents some examples of CASE tools for various software engineering activities such as analysis, design, coding, testing, etc.

Software maintenance and reuse

This chapter covers the software maintenance and reuse topics of software engineering. It covers the software maintenance concepts, types, process models, cost factors, and challenges. It also explains the software configuration management concepts, activities, tools, and standards. It also discusses the software reuse concepts, benefits, challenges, approaches, and levels. It also presents some examples of reusable software components such as libraries, frameworks, patterns, etc.

What are the features and benefits of the book?

The book has several features and benefits that make it a valuable resource for learning and teaching software engineering. Some of them are:

Illustrative examples and case studies

The book provides many illustrative examples and case studies to explain the concepts and practices of software engineering in a clear and practical manner. The examples are drawn from various domains such as banking, library management, online shopping, railway reservation system, etc. The case studies are based on real-world projects such as ATM system, air traffic control system, e-governance system, etc.

Multiple choice questions and exercises

The book provides multiple choice questions (MCQs) at the end of each chapter to test the understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter. The MCQs are designed to cover both theoretical and practical aspects of software engineering. The book also provides exercises at the end of each chapter to reinforce the learning of the concepts and practices of software engineering. The exercises include both analytical and creative tasks such as writing SRS documents, designing UML diagrams, coding programs, testing software, etc.

Web resources and references

The book provides web resources at the end of each chapter to provide additional information and learning materials on the topics covered in the chapter. The web resources include links to websites, blogs, videos, podcasts, online courses, etc. that are related to software engineering. The book also provides references at the end of each chapter to provide further reading materials on the topics covered in the chapter. The references include books, journals, articles, reports, standards, etc. that are relevant to software engineering.

How to use the book for learning and teaching software engineering?

The book can be used effectively for both learning and teaching software engineering by following some tips given below:

For students

  • Read each chapter carefully and try to understand the concepts and practices of software engineering with the help of examples and case studies.

  • Attempt the MCQs at the end of each chapter to check your understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter.

  • Solve the exercises at the end of each chapter to apply your knowledge and skills of software engineering to practical problems.

  • Use the web resources at the end of each chapter to explore more information and learning materials on the topics covered in the chapter.

Refer to the references at the end of each chapter to read more books, journals, articles, For instructors

  • Use the book as a textbook for teaching software engineering courses in computer science programs.

  • Use the examples and case studies in the book to illustrate the concepts and practices of software engineering in a clear and practical manner.

  • Use the MCQs and exercises in the book to assess the learning outcomes of the students and provide feedback and guidance.

  • Use the web resources and references in the book to supplement your teaching materials and provide additional information and learning materials on the topics covered in the book.

  • Use the book as a reference for conducting research and consultancy projects on software engineering topics.


Software engineering is a vital discipline for developing quality software products that meet the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders. Software engineering is also a dynamic and evolving field that adapts to the changing technologies, requirements, and challenges of software development. Therefore, software engineers need to constantly update their knowledge and skills to cope with the new trends and demands of the software industry.

One of the ways to learn and teach software engineering is by using a well-written and comprehensive textbook that covers the fundamental concepts and practices of software engineering as applicable to the real-world scenarios. One such textbook is Software Engineering: Concepts and Practices by Ugrasen Suman, published by Cengage Learning in 2019.

This book is meant for all courses of computer science that deal with software engineering topics. It presents a balanced and integrated approach to both theoretical and practical aspects of software engineering. It also provides a clear and concise explanation of the various topics with illustrative examples, case studies, exercises, multiple choice questions, web resources, and references.

This book has several features and benefits that make it a valuable resource for learning and teaching software engineering. It also provides some tips on how to use this book effectively for both students and instructors.

If you are interested in learning or teaching software engineering, you should definitely check out this book. You can download a PDF version of this book from here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is the author of this book?

The author of this book is Ugrasen Suman, who is a professor of computer science at Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, India. He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience in software engineering, web engineering, e-governance, etc. He has published more than 100 research papers in reputed journals and conferences. He has also authored several books on software engineering topics.

  • Who is the publisher of this book?

The publisher of this book is Cengage Learning, which is a leading provider of learning solutions for higher education and professional markets worldwide. Cengage Learning offers quality content, innovative technology, and personalized services to help educators and learners achieve their goals.

  • What is the target audience of this book?

The target audience of this book is undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer science who are taking courses on software engineering topics. It is also suitable for software engineers, practitioners, researchers, and instructors who want to learn or teach software engineering concepts and practices.

  • What are the prerequisites for reading this book?

The prerequisites for reading this book are basic knowledge of programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and mathematics. It is also helpful to have some familiarity with software development tools and environments such as editors, compilers, debuggers, etc.

  • How can I get a copy of this book?

You can get a copy of this book by ordering it online from here. You can also download a PDF version of this book from here.



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